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Addressing challenges around cloud visibility must be the top priority for leaders who are overseeing cloud implementation journeys. If you have control over cloud visibility , you have control over cloud cost.
The best way to organize cloud visibility is to build KPIs by Line Managers. In case you have extensive Line Management, that’s fine you can group your line managers by LOB or Department level. But the notion is to have KPIs at execution (or Line Manager) level for in-depth visibility. Delegate Authority to Line managers and see the magic. Once again, just sharing my perspective.
Now, what is Cloud Visibility ?
The Visibility framework that can give you strong signals for course correction, prioritization and acceleration of your cloud implementation.
Let’s dive deep into cloud visibility KPIs. Simply separate these KPIs in two different sections:
- Cost & Configuration
- Security & Compliance
Cost & Configuration
Highlighting Tagged vs Untagged resources on wall of shame. Cost of Untagged resources will drive our line managers to implement a strong tagging system which in return will provide in-depth visibility of your cloud implementation.
Security & Compliance
Now this is interesting, ask your architects to label you applications as “In- compliance” , “At Risk”, and “Out of Compliance” and Now focus on Line Manager who have the highest numbers of applications in :Out-of compliance.
so KPIs that must be on every leader’s dashboard to have in-depth cloud visibility.